Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Episode 16 and Marathon
Lots of news today! First off, last night, I posted up episode 16, in which we made some delicious Chocoraspberry Bars from our Nestle Classic Recipes Cookbook. Go check that out.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Taste Test
Second, we have begun summer vacation, so we will now be posting these on a REGULAR BASIS! WOW! To kick off the break, we will be having a Cooking for Amateurs marathon for the next few days, beginning yesterday. One new episode every day! That brings me to our final news. Today IS Father's Day, so we are recording a brand new episode today to celebrate. That WILL be part of the marathon, released today as episode 17, then tomorrow will be 18, after that, 19, and then possibly 20 the next day. We are working through our backlog of unedited episodes. Also, the team will be on vacation for a few days in August, so there may not be an episode. We don't know. Thanks for supporting Cooking for Amateurs!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Taste Test
Second, we have begun summer vacation, so we will now be posting these on a REGULAR BASIS! WOW! To kick off the break, we will be having a Cooking for Amateurs marathon for the next few days, beginning yesterday. One new episode every day! That brings me to our final news. Today IS Father's Day, so we are recording a brand new episode today to celebrate. That WILL be part of the marathon, released today as episode 17, then tomorrow will be 18, after that, 19, and then possibly 20 the next day. We are working through our backlog of unedited episodes. Also, the team will be on vacation for a few days in August, so there may not be an episode. We don't know. Thanks for supporting Cooking for Amateurs!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
First App Review
Well, as I posted many moons ago, we will be starting filming app reviews and putting them up. However, right now, we have no time to video tape. So, I'm putting the first app review (and perhaps one or two more) in text. In about one week (the beginning of summer vacation!), we will have more time to tape reviews and cooking shows than we know what to do with. Now, I'm going to write up the first review, and post it in a few minutes.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
App Reviews
In a desperate attempt to earn fans, I (Lucas - maybe my buddies) will begin filming app reviews for the iPod Touch. I'll upload the first one some time, and see if it gets any views. I'm definitely not short on apps to review - trust me. I've sunk way too much money into this thing. If I haven't reviewed an app that you're thinking about buying, throw us an email, which we check multiple times each day, and we'll get it up very quickly. It's not like we have anything better to do. Except for this weekend, when I will be away - Friday till Monday. I'll make sure to update when I get back - I don't want any stalkers.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Episode 15
Yeah, that's right! We're back, with Eli's two-month old birthday episode! Mmm... cupcakes. Watch it on Youtube now, or wait for a little bit for me to finish embedding all the episodes into the blog. :)
We're Actually Back!
That's right! We found an excellent FREE editing software in Pinnacle Videospin! I am now editing my way through episode 15, and that will be up in just a little while! Oh, and by the way, my AP exam is complete! No more big test to worry about. Yet. So I hope to have lots of time to edit down our videos from now on, especially during the summer.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Head Asplode!
I swear, my head is going to explode. Our new video editing software has decided to pick random videos and mute them after a few seconds. I'm looking for ANOTHER one now. Suggestions for software that works perfectly on Vista 64 bit?
Alright! We finally got an answer to our question about the whistling at the end of the commercial. Indeed, it was from the Old Spice commercials. And we just happened to get our answer from none other than Micheal from I'm pretty sure he found our blog through his website, which I am a happy member of. Seriously, check it out. They give great reviews, and if you get there in time, you could get the app for free! That's right - if the app developer gives them some promo codes, they're posted in the comments. I got Tallies for free just a couple days ago. See what you can get from us just by answering a question?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Pepsi Commercial - "I'm Good"
I have not laughed this hard at a commercial for a long time. Seeing middle aged men getting beat up in the strangest ways possible? That's a win. And again, sorry. Anyone know any good, reliable editing software that works on Vista? Seriously...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Wooh! That was quite a break! And I bet you're wondering why. Well, with my new computer, our old editing software was a complete FAIL on Vista. So, a few days ago, we finally got some new software, and now we will continue to post episodes. HOWEVER. For those who don't know, I (Lucas) am in AP European History, famous in our school for being one of the hardest classes you will ever take. In the beginning of May, we have to take an AP exam, a fully standardized test spanning the whole year, including multiple choice and three essays. So, for the couple weeks leading up to that, I will be very secluded. So we will probably put up two, possibly three episodes, and then stop for a few weeks. But we will be back, with our new HD camera and software. Peace!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Earth Hour
Hello again! For those who don't know, Cooking for Amateurs is signed up as an official "partner" of Earth Hour. This is an annual event in which millions of people around the world turn off their lights for one hour, at 8:30 PM TONIGHT! I believe that other electronics are fair game, but the only thing we might be using is our camera - to record something for the event. Play a board game, read a book, whatever! Just no lights, and try not to use any electronics. So help the Earth, and turn off your lights - 8:30 PM!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
New Camera!
Yes, it is here! Cooking for Amateurs has just received a Flip Video camera in the mail. From what I've seen so far, this camera is way better than the old one. It holds the same amount of time, but I think it compresses each video a bit. And of course, the quality jumped from pixel-y junk to crystal clear high quality video. So look forward to this for the show two shows from now (we already have the next episode ready, but it hasn't gone up yet).
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Lost Ending!
If you watched the snickerdoodles episode, you may remember that the taste test had no sound. Well this is the raw file with sound, in case you actually cared.
Lost Ending
Lost Ending
Episode 5 - Butterscotch Brownies
Take brownies, take out the chocolate, put in butterscotch, and you have episode 5 of Cooking for Amateurs - butterscotch brownies!
Butterscotch Brownies Recipe 1
Butterscotch Brownies Recipe 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Butterscotch Brownies Recipe 1
Butterscotch Brownies Recipe 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Episode 4 - Deviled Eggs and Milkshakes
Here's episode 4 - in which we make 2 recipes - deviled eggs and milkshakes with a twist!
Deviled Eggs Recipe
Milkshake Recipe
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Deviled Eggs Recipe
Milkshake Recipe
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
For all newcomers to Cooking for Amateurs, we just want to note that all our recipes come from We make the recipe, then do our signature Taste Test. To defy other ratings systems, and to make it easier for kids to understand, we do not use the 0-10 scale. Instead, we use a simple thumbs up, down, or sideways. So watch the episodes, and please involve children - we do it for them (mostly)!
Cooking for Amateurs Episode 3.1 - Lemon Squares
In this mini-episode, we made different lemon squares, from the Peanuts Cookbook.
Peanuts Cookbook
Part 1
Part 2
Peanuts Cookbook
Part 1
Part 2
Cooking for Amateurs Episode 2 - Snickerdoodles
Second episode! This is snickerdoodles, from August 7th, 2008.
Snickerdoodles Recipe
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Snickerdoodles Recipe
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Cooking for Amateurs Episode 1 - Quesadillas
Alright. This episode is quesadillas, from July 31st, 2008. Here ya go!
Quesadilla Recipe
Part 1
Part 2
Quesadilla Recipe
Part 1
Part 2
Monday, February 23, 2009
In the next few days, I'll be making posts to our blog with our episodes embedded. This is for your comfort, in case for some reason you want to go to our blog and not Youtube. But, if you haven't been reading recent posts, I am speaking to Eli's class tomorrow, and hopefully some kids will want to watch the episodes. However, I don't want to subject them to the horrors of Youtube, so they will be able to watch them here.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Film Spree!
Today, I seem to be going on a filming rampage. I'm taping some reviews and tutorials for games and stuff, and they will be put up on Youtube regularly. I remade our Picross tutorial, and I feel that it made it way better. I'm also trying to cut them down to 10 minutes, one Youtube video. Also, something's up with our film editor, and so the CFA isn't up yet. We're working on it!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
CFA Trailer Release
Hello! The CFA trailer was just released on Youtube (see post below), so search for Fuzzman1014, and watch it! E&N ditched me for the library, so we have to wait for them to return to film the next show. But we will film it today, and it will hopefully be up tonight. And the BIGGEST news - I now have a computer! It was just built two days ago, and it is great - it actually runs the latest games perfectly! So I made the new theme song - it's pretty much the same, but a little more funky, and it is in the trailer! And more good news - I figured out how to embed Youtube videos into our posts - so please tell us if this doesn't work.
Monday, February 9, 2009
CFA Trailer
Hey guys, since there won't be an episode this week, I thought I would start work on a "trailer" for Cooking for Amateurs. Sort of like a mashup of the best (and worst) of Cooking for Amateurs. If you're reading this, and have a favorite episode or moment, email us at, and tell us what you think. This will also be a project for Eli's class. He's in kindergarten, and the week after our mid-winter break is his "VIP Week". He gets to choose a subject, and bring in something (or someone) for show-and-tell. So we decided to show a mashup of CFA, and serve blueberry muffins (from episode 7). So watch for that in the next week or two, and please send us any tips!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Long Time No See!
Sorry we haven't been posting lately/ever. If you haven't been watching, Cooking for Amateurs is currently on episode 14, and we'll keep going. But alas, there will not be one this week (today), as I have an insane amount of homework to finish. But next weekend, the CFA team will be on mid-winter break, and will be happy to give you yet another episode of Cooking for Amateurs!
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